Alex's Success Story

Alex's Success Story

Lost 10 pounds & 20" - Total Transformation Program

"I purchased the Total Transformation Program during the Covid shutdown. I did my training at home and lost 20" in 12 weeks. I saw my body change and get stronger, tighter, and leaner in such a short amount of time. I worked hard and adhered to the macros I was given which allowed me to eat what I wanted and still saw major results. BBB coaching held me accountable and was there to support and guide me by checking in weekly and getting feedback from a professional coach. Beyanka sets you up for total success, she has created an education guide that educates you on training, building muscle, nutrition and so much more. The programs have videos that demonstrate each exercise and coaching cues on how to execute them. This was immensely important in my fitness journey. I have purchased programs by other trainers and influencers, and nothing has gotten me the results I wanted with flexibility the way BBB did. I loved it so much I purchased the Booty Bomb 1.0 program and can’t wait to start it. I highly recommend BBB programs; you will not regret it!"